Tuesday, December 7, 2010

One of these days I'm gonna get organizized

So I made a tentative hair schedule for 2011 (it's not lame...is it? No. Couldn't be. It's not like I have celeb hair pics stored in my phone...anymore...), and I do believe it brings me that much closer to organising the rest of my life. No New Years Resolutions, because they suck, and no one ever keeps them.

So because they're not quite formed thoughts, yet, here is a list/notes to myself:

1. Enrol in WEA Spanish for Beginners course (just need funds in back account).
2. Research: Critical analysis at UNSW (contact postgrad coordinator and hope she forgets she taught me in Honours and I wrote a really crap essay for her seminar)
3. Research: practice-led research at Macquarie?
4. Ideas: study of morality and pursuit of pleasure in film with particular reference to a story set in Sydney; study of relationship between screen and spectator - practice-based or critical analysis; study of genre and masculinity - script about human vs zombies team.
5. Work my way back to directing this year? Maybe even ask to direct Christmas Dinner?
6. Ask about comps or funding or stuff to get scripts some recognition or money or something?

Ok, good. Now I can lelaxxxxx.

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